Building and Home Field Building and Home Field
Transportation Field Transportation Field
Home Appliance Field Home Appliance Field
Agriculture Field Agriculture Field
Photovoltaic Integration Photovoltaic Integration
Applications in Constructions
WERKMAN vacuum glass offers an enhanced solution for sound and heat insulation, promoting the advancement of green building development and fostering a luxurious, superior living environment.
Vacuum Glass Specification:

Ug=0.65 W/m²·k

Applications in Transportations
WERKMAN Vacuum glass stands as the ideal selection for transportation window glass due to its exceptional attributes including superior noise isolation capabilities, remarkable thermal insulation properties, and excellent low dew point (lower condensation inside the glass), which provides our clients with a transparent, crystal clear visual experience.
Vacuum Glass Specification:

Ug=0.45 W/m²·k

Applications in Home Appliances
The energy-saving, lightweight, noise-reducing, and low dew point advantages of WERKMAN vacuum glass vastly refine the quality of home appliances, more efficient, secure, and resistant to condensation.
Vacuum Glass Specification:

Ug=0.65 W/m²·k

Applications in Agriculture
WERKMAN vacuum glass's outstanding thermal insulation, preservation, and transparent lighting capabilities drive the progress of precision agriculture and greenhouse technology.
Vacuum Glass Specification:

Ug=0.45 W/m²·k

Applications in Building Integrated Photovoltaic
WERKMAN Superior vacuum glass facilitates the development of green buildings and ensures high-quality living environments by delivering exceptional noise and thermal insulation performance.
Vacuum Glass Specification:

Ug=0.45 W/m²·k